Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Early Musical Mind: A 4th Of July Memory

Watching fireworks tonight with Tanner (Gray was too pooped so went back to my brother Dan's house early)  I was suddenly struck by a strong memory of my childhood.  I cannot recall at exactly what age I was when it happened, but for a number of year my dad used to light up a pretty serious fireworks display in the backyard of our house in Blue Ash, Ohio.  The details escape me, but I do vividly remember the spectacle of it all.

One 4th when I was around Tanner or Gray's age, my Dad was putting on his fireworks show for the neighborhood when the police showed up.   My brother Dan tells me that they were called by several neighbors upset.  Something about too many Roman Candles or something. Anyway...

I recall my Dad (who would ever think of him as this rebellious?) telling me later how very upset he was that he now "had a record."  Totally unable to understand the context, I kept asking - eventually begging, alas to no avail - if we could all listen to it.  I simply could not get past it.  I desperately wanted to hear Dad's record.  It still makes me laugh.  I guess I've always been wired this way....

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