Is it just me, or does it seem like these days everyone is looking for a way to reinvent themselves? OK, that was way too rhetorical. Of course we are. Well certainly I am; at least to some extent anyway. I guess I have hit some kind of creative rut of sorts. I suppose it is not uncommon; and in many ways, I'm just going through a "phase" that I bet lots of people hit at one point or another. Funny thing is, no matter how much I acknowledge its commonality, it still seems really significant as I am experiencing it.
So here's the quick rundown: 38 years old. Amazing family - sorry, gotta brag: totally hot wife who puts up with me for unknown reasons, wonderful 2 year old son (and another on the way), 2 goofy but very lovable dobermans, etc. etc. I'm actually far happier than I deserve to be. I am even lucky enough to spend most of my time either creating music or helping others learn to tap into their own creative process and make their own music. And, miraculously, all the bills get paid, and we have a nice roof over our heads.
Like I said, I'm far happier than I deserve to be. But where I have run into trouble is with the various attempts at artistic (music) self-expression that have resulted in varying levels of success. In some ways I'd like to think of myself a simply very driven towards a goal. In others, I wonder if I am not just obsessive over a fantasy.
And so, my plan with this blog is to see where the middle ground of all that might be. Somewhere there is a point of synergy between my dreams and my needs and I'm hopeful that these little "rants" might help further foster a sense of viability on my journey. Should be a fun ride, regardless.
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