Tuesday, December 16, 2014



This is more than I can handle
This is more than I can take
This is more than I bargained for
I still hear your voice - still see your face

Now the shadows are closing in
And the light’s fading from your eyes
And as time stands still
You've held on for me for one more night

All I needed
All I wanted
All dreamed of 
Now I’m haunted - haunted

So much I still need to say
So much I still need to do
So much I still need to explain
So much I still need from you

The walls are closing in on me
(And) I’m lost inside my head
But I guess that's were I need to be
Right now instead

All I needed
All I wanted
All dreamed of 
Now I’m haunted - haunted
All I believe 
All I know
I'm holding on
Cuz I can't let go 

There is no silver lining
I'm too empty too consumed 
There's no such thing as a better place 
Not without you 

All I needed
All I wanted
All dreamed of 
Now I’m haunted - haunted
All I believe 
All I know
I'm holding on
Cuz I can't let go 

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

*meant to perform this last Friday but my voice gave out.  :(  Recording it soon...

Sunday, December 7, 2014

You Cannot Be A Finalist For Grammy™ Educator Of The Year Without Having Had Your Own Amazing Teachers

I am not going to pretend that this list is comprehensive, but the events of Friday, for which I am truly honored and humbled, make me feel more than just a little bit compelled to share this list of my own teachers who impacted me and my practice.  Each one deserves a detailed recounting of their specific influence on me (I will try to add that over time) and I know I will leave off many who deserve to be here. Please forgive me, and I will update this as time goes on to remedy that.

Sycamore Schools (Cincinnati, OH):
Mr. Metzger
Mr. Beeler
Mr. Wagner
Mr. Ronfeldt

Bradley University:
Dr. Heinemann
Dr. Vroman
Dr. Kaizer
Prof. Kaizer
Dr. Sanders
Dr. Jost
Prof. Slotter

Youngstown State University:
Dr. Gage
Dr. Rollin
Dr. Largent

The University Of Arizona:
Prof.  Hanson
Dr. Billups
Dr. Fergison

My sincere apologies for any errors in spelling or omissions.  There are others too who should be on the list.  Like Mr. Fricke - my first private drum teacher.  Or my very first piano teacher who sadly I cannot remember her name but recall vividly my Mom telling me how this teacher, when I was just maybe 6, was so impressed not that I had written a "song" but that I had actually played the notes exactly as I had put them down on the manuscript paper.  Or my elementary school general music teacher, whose name I also, regrettably cannot recall, but still carry with me the true Joy of music that she very much instilled in me at so young an age.   And I cannot forget about Dr. Anne Marie Woolsey, Arcadia's then principal, and Dr. Mitch Simmons, SUSD's director CTE, without either of their support for my original concept for CMAS it would all still just be an idea in my head.  And there are others.  So many others.  So very many musicians and colleagues and students and friends and family from who I have learned so much and who have influenced all I do.

My point is exactly as the title of this post implies.  Nothing happens in a vacuum.  No matter the result of the Grammy™ selection, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Rhythm Of (Beat) One

I don't know that this will make sense until I start posting some audio/video of me performing some of my new songs (or older songs with new arrangements) but lately I have been really trying to get my head, musically, around the idea of ultra minimalist percussion as a way to control a song's momentum.

Like so many others, in recent years I've been quite taken with Mumford and Sons, and particularly Marcus's way of controlling a song with just a bass drum and occasionally some additional tambourine.   It's not that he's doing anything that has not been done before musically, but his execution is quite another story.

He's fronting the band, playing guitar, and ALSO playing these percussion parts with his feet.  The songs are amazing, but as a musician there is also an entire other level of brilliance to behold. And I have found that his take on percussion to control momentum has really been influencing me.

The trouble is that - and here is where the audio/video are kinda needed to make sense of things - my performance rig doesn't allow me quit the same level of rhythmic flexibility as Marcus.  I'm creating many layers all at once, but I;m not looping anything, and so, quite frankly, my feet are already rather occupied with other tasks most of the time to make all the layers happen.  FYI, in simplest terms, I ma playing the main riff on guitar, with a bass line, with some percussion, with some strings underneath if I want, with a solo line on either the guitar and/or a piano, all at the same time.  No looping. Yes, I know that sounds absurd, but that's my rig.  Really.  Yeah, I'll post video soon.

In any case, at this point, my ability to play the rig means that I cannot create too elaborate percussion lines.  Lots of 4-on-the-floor kinda things right now.  But I also have been finding that I need some kind of percussion variations beyond just playing or not to make the songs really work.

Enter the 1/8 note.  Such a simple and easily accessible variation, but yet I could not see it for a long time.  Could not hear it in context.  Yet now there is a great sense of variation in momentum at my disposal.

I know this all has made little or no sense, and I know that I need to post video of the rig in action for that to be resolved, but I have just bee so overcome by the simple musical elegance of this that I wanted to quickly post something.  Much more coming very soon....

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Some Quick Thoughts On Neil Young's New Music System, Pono, Designed To "Bring Back...The Goosebumps"

No, have not heard for myself Neal Young's new Pono audio player, but I like the idea behind it.  For the sake of time (or rather my limited available right now) I won't go in to too much, but I did wanna just quickly make some comments.  (Likely complete with typos and grammatical errors.)

Forgetting the cost of Pono (about $100 more than an iPod Touch) and the comparatively smaller number of tracks currently available (only about 600K) the notion of better fidelity has been haunting the digital age pretty much since its inception.

There's a lot of talk for studio folks about recording higher resolutions, but the final products always seem wind up as far lower res mp3s.  And in some ways that's ok.  If nothing else the mp3 has increased accessibility to a far larger library of music than before.  And piggy backing on to that is the reality that in many ways, in today's world, being heard at all, even at lower res, is far better than no one hearing you at all.  It's a trade off.  I'll leave the philosophical discussion for another time as to if it's worth it or not.  (It's an important discussion, but not one there is time for just now...)  Anyway....

I remember the birth of the CD.  The loss of "warmth" and "depth" of sound.  The loss of full sized album covers.  The "sterility."  And so on...

And things have changed.  Compression has gotten better.  And our eases have gotten worse in some ways.  We now tolerate the lower fidelity to the point of many of us not even really aware of what it's lower than, not even aware of the original baseline, yet we cannot handle the slightest "pitchy-ness."  The irony of the loss of art in the whole matter is both ironic and sad.  But also for another discussion.

My point is simply that weather Pono succeeds in the market or not, it's a step in the right direction.  It's attempting to restore the feel of the listening experience to what it once was.  How can that possibly be bad.  And, if it does work, as Neal claims, then it's totally worth the extra money.

Now if we could just get people to actually buy albums again in full instead of almost always ala cart.  Now that would really be something amazing for us to return to.

Here the origin lost i just saw today about Pono:

Saturday, October 11, 2014

There Are Only Two Kinds Of Music...and "Good and Bad" Are Not Them...

So, a few days ago I asked for comments on this notion and promised to share my own thoughts on the subject.  I should start by saying the rather obvious - that this is just my sense of this, NOT any kind of claim to being "right." Anyway....

This subject was actually brought up by one of my ASU Music Education Interns, as we were talking about the creative process of my students and how I go about evaluating their overall progress towards creating effective music.  (Note that the term "effective" is in itself a troubling term, but I digress...)  Anyway, my intern mentioned that an ASU professor - key here is one who, at least on the surface, might seem like an ultra-traditionalist (a very incorrect label I personally feel, and my intern wholeheartedly agreed) - made the comment that the two types of music are "honest and dishonest."  The reference was in terms of a musician's interpretation of a piece in performance, but I feel it applies far more universally, and having nothing do to with genre, instrumentation, technology usage or anything else that in may ways is all just superficial to me.  (Another commentary for another time..)

In any case, this was one of those "aha!" moments for me.  One of those times we all have on occasion where we think, "wow!  I wish I had thought of that!  That is brilliant!"  And so this idea of "honest and dishonest" music really got me thinking about the whole process of music and creativity and what constitutes an honest process and what makes up one that is false.

The flaw, if I can use that word for it, in the "good and bad" line of thinking is that it ultimately is 100% subjective.  That's not to say that it is not an important distinction, it very much is important, but as I thought about it, I realized that "good and bad" can never be perfectly aligned for anyone other than the individual experiencing the music.  It's just too circumstantial.  Too wrapped up in variables that can only apply to one person perfectly and to all others imperfectly.  Too subject to the moment, moods and other countless elements.  Too inconsistent.

But "honest and dishonest," have none of those issues.  Honest and Dishonest is all about the creative process.  Really, they have nothing to do with the listener.  As a listener we are still free to interpret, still free to like or dislike something based on whatever personal experiences and preferences we have have.  But that is not he same as the creative process.

The process is not good or bad.  It simply is.  And if that is true then the question is really about  whether or not the process is genuine. Honest or dishonest.  This has nothing to do with the actual result.  Nothing to do with the resulting sound.  Just the intent of whomever created the sound.

Sure, we want the result to "work." To reach and impact and effect the listener in a way that matches our intent, but if for any reason it does not, that does not mean we were dishonest with the process, just ineffective.  "Effective" is the "good v bad" concept.  It is rooted in result, and is 100%, as I said open to interpretation.  How often does one person have a different taste or preference with regard to music?  Or movies? Or books? Or art? Or food? Or fashion? Or on and on and on and on?  All. The. Time.

But the intent is what really matters.  How people interpret is on them.  Certainly in today's world there are countless ways people can be influenced towards a particular interpretation, but that is still on them to react to those influences.  It does not change the intent -the honesty (or not, I suppose) of that intent.  That's what matters.  In fact, as I continue to explore this concept, I suspect that the honest process more often yields the interpretation of "good" anyway.

And for those still struggling to "make it" - to break through - keep your process honest.  In the end I am certain that is all that really matters.

Certainly, there is far more to this, and I am just starting to get me head around it, but I can already tell it is have a significantly positive impact on my own process and that makes it all the more fascinating, interesting, and worth it.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

One more stadium show....

So last night CMAS played what was certainly the best stadium show we have ever done.  We had the benefit of a great sense of team work with technical crew, a considerable amount of additional time to perform that normally is not available, but mostly an overall positive work ethic that I had not seen in along time - maybe not ever before.

That is not to take away anything from anyone or any past shows, but this one had a very different vibe.  The entire CMAS crew - every single one of them - wanted this show.  In a kind of visceral, "we will not let anything get in our way," kind of manner.  It was really quite something.

We've had that before, but not across the entire group.  Not like this.

The process to make last night happen was a bit brutal.  Aside from the normal gig preparations of writing and rehearsing all the music, we made some specific production choices on this show that meant a considerable amount of additional logistical prep time.  Most of it in the heat of AZ at 105+ degrees.  It was somewhat unforgiving in the unavoidable hot afternoon hours, and yet, though clearly tired and running low on energy, no one just stopped.  No one just sat back and said, "someone else will take care of it."  It was pretty remarkable.  And somewhat uncharacteristic, as in the past when it can get like that and people start to lose the ability or willingness to keep their egos in check.

Sure, there are moments that we'd like back - no show is perfect - but when you witness so many young people pulling together for a common goal - so many of then very new to what is a very complex and exceptionally demanding project (remember this is all student executed) - it's hard not to be inspired. Watching the more experienced students mentor the new ones, in a way that had no ego, nothing but positive support, and you start to feel like things are moving forward in a way that can only be summed up as great.

I've been asked, and talked about here and in other places, about the idea of "ensemble" as it relates to CMAS.  On the surface there are those who say that for all CMAS may (or may not - critics still seem to like to go that route for some reason; seems like a waste of energy, but that's just the way some folks are; obviously it still bothers me even though I don't want it to and try not to let it get to me; it's a process...anyway...) that there is no real sense of ensemble like there is in a band, orchestra or choir.  Well, last night proved once again that is simply not the case.  By any definition CMAS was very much working as a musical ensemble last night. No question about it - it's as strong an ensemble as any.

What does tomorrow hold?  Who knows.  But for now - despite my lack of ability to really express it properly here - last night was a great moment in time.  Made possible not just by those there but by all the students who came before and who really did help to make CMAS move forward on each step we've taken.  I hope to have some student produced video up soon to share.

From here we plan on modifying our approach a bit.  CMAS will still do one of these Stadium shows every year - it's a good experience obviously - but the time it takes to put together, versus the amount of performance time itself, has become a bit of a drain on the students.  Plus, while it is quite the spectacle, the fact is that we now have so many other "big" show venue options that allow us full shows - not just 6 minutes - that it would be kinda of foolish not to evolve to the next step with all this.  On the other hand, if you've been paying attention over the years, you just never know what we might do....

Monday, July 14, 2014

Anything (song #137)


Did I mislead you by telling you the truth?
Did you lead me on by telling me it’s what you wanted me to do?
Did you rely on all the changes we would make?
Did I lie to get you to forget all my mistakes?

Anything to stay away
Anything not to have to be okay

Did I remind you of what you felt you missed?
Did you mind not getting what you’d wished?
Did you replace your hope for a fear?
Did I place your heart far away from here?

Anything to stay away
Anything not to have to be okay

Can’t change what’s always been the same
Can’t stop what does not want to change

Anything to stay away
Anything not to have to be okay

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, July 6, 2014

And I Don’t Want To Lose You Now (song #136)

And I Don’t Want To Lose You Now

There she stands alone in the night
Trying to put her finger on exactly what's not right
What do I say?
What should I do?
Don’t you tell me (that) this is not true

And I don’t want to lose you now
And I don’t want to lose you now

Where she holds my heart in her hands
From such a long way off I can’t understand
There is much more
There is no way
To keep reaching - it’s easier to turn away

And I don’t want to lose you now
And I don’t want to lose you now

Slipping through my fingers
Is every promise that we made
But words can’t be all that’s left
When there’s nothing left to say

And I don’t want to lose you now
And I don’t want to lose you now

So she looks past me and my ways
Waiting for reminders of others days
What’s not left
When time’s too short
The things that makes me want more

And I don’t want to lose you now
And I don’t want to lose you now

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Know You Know (song #135)

Know You Know

If I had to pick a moment to let go
I don’t know if I could
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at letting go

And if I had to lose a step to move on
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at moving on

If I had to turn away to see this though
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at seeing things through

And if I had to take a breath to keep it all in
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at holding anything back

I know I cannot go back
Yet I still long for yesterday
And if that is so bad
Then I don’t know what to say
‘cuz I miss you
I need you
I still feel you all around me
And I know you know

If I had to say goodbye to be free
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been one to be true (and free)

And if I had to go back to move ahead
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at moving ahead

If I had to make a choice to get it right
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at making decisions

And if I had to relive the fear to release it
I don’t know if I could 
‘cuz you know I’ve never been good at releasing my fear

I know I cannot go back
Yet I still long for yesterday
And if that is so bad
Then I don’t know what to say
‘cuz I miss you
I need you
I still feel you all around me
And I know you know

The best burdens are the ones I want to carry still
Even if they are just the memories I cannot fulfill
As I take each step since you’ve gone away
I can’t help wanting to turn back if it (that?) would let you stay

I know
I know you know
I know you know me
I know you know me as I know myself

I know I cannot go back
Yet I still long for yesterday
And if that is so bad
Then I don’t know what to say
‘cuz I miss you
I need you
I still feel you all around me
And I know you know

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Dad - One year later

So, today marks a year since Dad passed, and like anyone, the loss still stings for me.  I continue to comfort myself knowing that he got to meet and spend some great time with both of my own children, saw me finally on a good path within myself (a long and still rather incomplete journey), that for all the tension of our relationship when I was in my 20s that we had moved well passed it and were very close, and so on; but mostly, over this past year I have spent a good deal of time wondering if I really appreciated all the "small" moments I had with him.  Particularly when I was Gray and Tanner's age.

At some point - and this was certainly before he passed - I began looking at my relationship with Dad pretty much exclusively through the lens of my relationship with Gray and Tanner.  I have found myself constantly drawing parallels  - likely unfairly projecting - all kinds of things.  I wonder for example, when I am reading with Gray or Tanner at bedtime why I cannot recall dad reading to me similarly, yet I can "feel" the same kind of sensation from the memories I do have from when I was that age.  Perhaps it's not about the act but about the connections made.

And particularly with Tanner, since he is about the same age difference to me as I was to Dad, so I many times get lost in this sense of walking a predetermined path with him.  Some of that is comforting and some of that is truly terrifying (though also kind of silly when I really get my head around it) and at least with Gray I don't have that.  Hopefully as time goes on it will dissipate with Tanner.  It feels unfair to both him and me to be burdened with something so against my own sense of life as "destiny."  Certainly repeated destiny is counter.  I'm working on it, though, like so much of what I do, it seems to be a sadly slow process.

I also need to acknowledge that like my eulogy for Dad last year (http://crossfeedthemix.blogspot.com/2013/07/dad.html) this post it truly nothing more than self-serving.  A way to have a cathartic release of my feelings with the misguided notion that while it's perhaps healthy for me to do so, the idea that anyone else would or should care is somewhat absurd.  In fact when I posted last year that Dad had passed, I was almost immediately consoled by two very good friends who I learned had also recently lost their own fathers.  They reached out to me immediately and I am so grateful; but I also continue to be struck by the fact that I had no idea that they had lost their own fathers too.  It wasn't because they had hidden it, it was because I had not been paying attention.  I am generally a rather self-absorbed person, and that is something that when I feel particularly not in control of I try to force myself to think back on those two friends to pull my head back to where it should be.  My rate of success is clearly not great, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Or at least that's what I will continue to tell myself for now.  Anyway...

When I think of Dad I get this wonderful, overwhelming sense of joy and a kind of internal warmth.    When Mom passed I was in such a bad place within myself that over the past year I have frequently wondered if I lost a kind of connection with her because I was not in a place to cultivate it at the time.  That fills me with tremendous regret - a kind of guilt I cannot seem to let go of no matter how much time passes or how much I tell myself that she understood I was not the man I am now.  As though there was a very important moment that I let slip away, never to be reacquired, no matter the reason or my desire to do so.

I am a big believer in the importance of moments.  They matter to me.  Even when I don't want them to.  I find them hard to let go of even when I know I should.  It's a blessing and a curse in many ways, and drives my family nuts at times.  A topic for another post perhaps...

In any case, this dichotomy of sensations - joy versus regret - on paper, would seem to imply a kind of balance that in most other circumstances I would actually embrace, but here it feels false. Though the last weeks for Dad were less than ideal (I still harbor a lot of real anger towards some of his "caregivers" over this - moments it seems once again I cannot/will not? let go of), he was in good shape overall prior to that, and his life - he told me - was good.  He was happy, albeit for his missing Mom.  But Mom had been sick.  Very sick for a long time.  I feel she (and the rest of us, selfishly) was cheated.  Cheated out of so much that came after.  Grandkids and so on.  Just the joy of a shared life with Dad.  And somewhere, not so deep down, I still struggle with the knowledge that in some ways I may have caused it.  I hurt her. Deliberately I now see in the year before she got ill.  It's a longer "confession" that I will post here (and it's still very raw so many years later that I am certainly using that as an excuse not to fully reveal it - Good Lord, I am clearly still no different than I was back then in too many ways!  Still too much fear within me) but while I may not acknowledge destiny, I do believe in both Fate and definitely in Karma.   So let's for now just say that I wonder if I twisted Karma in such a way that forced a kind of massive life event to change my perspective since nothing else was working.  On the other hand, what an incredibly self-absorbed notion for me to even consider.  I need to do better.

Ok, well, this is getting a good bit darker than I intend when I started writing, so maybe let's get back to Dad for now...

Over the years after Mom passed he had girl friends - several quite serious, by any standards - but to me it was clear  at the time that none of them would ever even remotely approach what he had with Mom.  Not because I was rooting against them - I honestly liked when he had someone to get him to do things and get out of the house and such - but just because it was not his way to move on like that.  It wasn't within him to let go in a way to fully recover and give himself to someone else in even a cursory manner that paralleled his relationship with Mom.  That's not just my clear bias talking, it's a fact.  He tried several times.  Even basically living with two of them for a period of time.  It just wasn't going to happen.  And it really had nothing to do with them either.  He just looked at all his relationships through the lens of the one he had with Mom, and no relationship could possibly have the same view for him.

I think that's why he had so many great relationships with women far younger than him.  Nothing physical mind you - more like granddaughters (goodness, the age difference was stunning! Good for you, Dad! Ha!)  He needed that feminine kind of energy in his life and this was a way for him to have it.  I think the proof is that the purely plutonic relationships with the younger girls lasted up till he passed, and in fact they are in a few cases still in contact with my brothers and I.

Like anyone, I just miss him.  I miss my Mom.  I miss the relationship I had with Dad and the sense of wholeness that he restored to me years after Mom died when he took Michele and the boys into his heart.  While I know he's at peace, with Mom, I am still so selfish (try as I might to not be) that I want him around still, even if it keeps him from her.

My view remains myopic in that regard.  Perhaps that's what grief is about - at least for me.  Maybe when my view is more opened up I will be left with only the sense of joy I crave and no loss or regret.  I tend to move in extremes - particularly with regard to emotion.  Not ideal, but I'm not going to pretend it's not the case.  So I'm going to focus on the joy.  I figure if nothing else it's what both Mom and Dad would want.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Torn In Pieces (song #134)

Torn In Pieces

Distance growing
(But) you’re not showing 
Me a way
To get back home

Conscience glowing
I should be knowing
There's a way
To what you know

Still I stand
Still I reach out

Now I’m torn in pieces
Can you hold  me together?
‘Cuz I can’t release this
Feels like I’ve been holding on forever

Missteps owing
The seeds I’ve been sewing
The mistakes
I somehow can’t see

Patience flowing
As doubt’s (been) growing
Are we really
Out of time?

Still I wait
Still I hold on

Now I’m torn in pieces
Can you hold  me together?
‘Cuz I can’t release this
Feels like I’ve been holding on forever

Stake your claim
To all this shame
Lift your eyes up and move on
Touch the flame
Like it’s all the same
Your hands are just as clean as anyone’s.

Still I stand
Still I reach out
Still I wait
Still I hold on

Now I’m torn in pieces
Can you hold  me together?
‘Cuz I can’t release this
Feels like I’ve been holding on forever

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Way You Love Me (song #133)

The Way You Love Me

You and I see your (the? this?) world in very different ways 
Sometime it's like a book - 
Sometimes it's like a game

But I can't make you see
I can't make to believe

The way you love me
I only want your touch
The way you love me
I'm just needing you so much
No matter what I say or do
No matter what I might go thru
I know that I can make it through 
(Because of) The way you love me

You and I see your (the? this?) world through very different eyes
Sometimes there's a mask
Sometimes there's no (a?) disguise

All I can do is love you
The way you love me
The way you love me
I only want your touch
The way you love me
I'm just needing you so much
No matter what I say or do
No matter what I might go thru
I know that I can make it through 
(Because of) The way you love me

You walk on air to me
But you seem to only see the storm
And you might feel so overwhelmed 
But I only want more

The way you love me
I only want your touch
The way you love me
I'm just needing you so much
No matter what I say or do
No matter what I might go thru
I know that I can make it through 
(Because of) The way you love me

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dividing Lines (song #132)

Dividing Lines

Patience is a virtue
But I don't like to wait
A test of what I’m made of
Feels like I’m putting (slamming?) on the brakes

Well, compassion is a saint
But you don’t feel so free
Putting all the (your?) pieces together
Feels like you’re trying to rescue me

Careful of the secrets that you try to hide
Careful of the dividing lines

Honesty’s a savior
But I still feel so bound
Breaking up old habits
Feels like a run around

Elevation is a promise
But you still feel so low
Taking so many simple steps
Feels like you're moving way too slow

Careful of the secrets that you try to hide
Careful of the dividing lines

Changing the me in you
Changes the you in me

Careful of the secrets that you try to hide
Careful of the dividing lines

© 1998/2000/2004/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Monday, June 2, 2014

Be The One (song #131)

Be The One

Let me be the one you run to
When there’s no where else to go
You know that every time I see you
You take my breath away

So look into my eyes
The way you look inside my heart
I know that fire’s still burning
I know it just needs a spark

Let me be the one who holds you 
In the night
Let me be the one who pulls you close
When nothing else feels right
Let me hold you in my arms
Let me stare into your eyes
Let me be the one

There’s still a knot in my heart
From where you left your strings

And so I stand inside my fire
Calling out - calling your name
Willing you to reach for me
Wanting only you to to make me whole again

Let me be the one who holds you 
In the night
Let me be the one who pulls you close
When nothing else feels right
Let me hold you in my arms
Let me stare into your eyes
Let me be the one

© 1998/2000/2004/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Almost Three (song #130)

Almost Three

Tomorrow may be to late, you said
Soon you'll be gone
Where are  you going to now?
You've been gone so long

So I'll hide my tears away
I don't know where to put them anymore
And I don't want to be alone
As you walk through that door

Almost three
Almost three now

You can't take back the past, you said
(Sometimes you get) lost in the cold
Love is such a dangerous word anyway
It can (mend your heart but ((and?)) tear apart your soul

Almost three
Almost three now

I know you're out there somewhere
I know you're watching me
I know somewhere you're smiling
I know somewhere your heart's are running free

Almost three
Almost three now

I still feel that pull
Caught between (my) head and (my) heart
But still (I) can't move
So we pull together and (as?) (we) get torn apart

Almost three
Almost three now

© 2000/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Down From The Mountain (song #129)

Down From The Mountain

For so long
I’ve been climbing so high
Tryin’ to find a place
Where my hand can touch the sky

But the world keeps changing
It all looks so strange to me

I’m coming down from the mountain
(To) see what I can see
I’m coming down from the mountain
To where I’m meant to be

Looking out 
Across a barren plane
Hoping one more time
The sky might fill with rain

But the world keeps moving
It all looks so strange to me

I’m coming down from the mountain
(To) see what I can see
I’m coming down from the mountain
To where I’m meant to be

I can no longer pretend
That I know where this path might end
I can no longer defend
The idea that we have to end

I’m coming down from the mountain
(To) see what I can see
I’m coming down from the mountain
To where I’m meant to be

Deep inside of me 
Where I do not go
The only part that’s left of me
Is the one I never show

But the world keeps turning
It all looks so strange to me
I’m coming down from the mountain
(To) see what I can see
I’m coming down from the mountain
To where I’m meant to be

For so long
I’ve been climbing so high
Tryin’ to find a place
Where my hand can touch the sky

© 2009/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Gone (song #128)


(You) Said you were leaving
But I just wouldn’t believe
Now you’re gone
And the joke’s on me

But the hurt’s on you
You make a stand
And you’re gone

If this is all - if this is it
Tell my why would I forget
If this is you - if this is me
Tell me why’s this have to be gone

Burning me up inside
Held hostage by desire
And still your gone
Can chemistry expire?

Every word comes out wrong
And every moment takes too long
And you’re gone

If this is all - if this is it
Tell my why would I forget
If this is you - if this is me
Tell me why’s this have to be gone

Im not trying to make you cry
I just get so scared when I look into your eyes
I just wanna be the one to blame
I didn’t know that I was pushing you away
I didn’t know

If this is all - if this is it
Tell my why would I forget
If this is you - if this is me
Tell me why’s this have to be gone

You said you were leaving
And I just would believe

© 2009/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Show Me (song #127)

 Show Me

You eat me up alive when you’re starving for attention
Sometimes the mirror lies showing your reflection
There are no excuses as you tear yourself apart
You tie yourself in knots with the strings that tug at your heart

(But) Show me when you turn away
That everything you feel floats on all the words we say
‘Cuz in the end we only see what we believe
Oh, Oh, you gotta show me

You pull the curtains closed when you need (see?) the light
Sometimes you lose sight when looking for sign
There no looking back when you can’t move on
You tell yourself it’s not you - it’s everyone

(But) Show me when you turn away
That everything you feel floats on all the words we say
‘Cuz in the end we only see what we believe
Oh, Oh, you gotta show me

Break the chains
Break the ties
Break the truth inside the lies
Hold on tight
Hold on now
Hold on even when you don’t know how

You eat me up alive when you’re starving for attention
Sometimes the mirror lies showing your reflection
There are no excuses as you tear yourself apart
You tie yourself in knots with the strings that tug at your heart

(But) Show me when you turn away
That everything you feel floats on all the words we say
‘Cuz in the end we only see what we believe
Oh, Oh, you gotta show me

© 1998/1999/2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Monday, April 28, 2014

This Blinding Light (song #126)

This Blinding Llight 

This blinding light
Is the only spark I see
Clearing the distance
Between you and me
The shadows cannot stop me now

These open arms
Are all I can feel
Bringing me back
To what I know is real
The chains cannot hold me down

Your (this?) love is a magnet to (for?) your heart
Pulling me in from the very start
And as I get lost inside you and me
This (your?) (blinding) light is all I see

This grateful dream
Is all I can view
Moving my feet
Back to you
The path cannot lead me wrong

Your (this?) love is a magnet to (for?) your heart
Pulling me in from the very start
And as I get lost inside you and me
This (your?) (blinding) light is all I see

Everything comes from something else
But sometimes things are born of themselves
The head can think too much looking for control
But the heart searches for the unconditional

Your (this?) love is a magnet to (for?) your heart
Pulling me in from the very start
And as I get lost inside you and me
This (your?) (blinding) light is all I see

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Go (song #125)


Why do we have to let
Why do we have to go?

A simple post upon a message board
Takes me back to a time when you knew what life was for 
A face, a name, the memories of times gone by
Now a loss, a long and unexpected goodbye

Why do we have to let
Why do we have to go?

So many moments in isolation
Passing us by and our complications 
Hindsight's 20/20 but it's just not the same
Win or lose the score doesn't (can't?) tell you who won the game

Why do we have to let
Why do we have to go?

I’m only left with this heavy heart
I don’t know where to begin much less how to start
I can only now recall your moving art
Now it seems you only get to go so far
You’re going (you've gone?) so far

Why do we have to let
Why do we have to go?

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tell You Why (song #124)

Tell You Why

The fuse is lit and I don’t know what set the spark
I cannot recall what got me to this dark
Place I seem to go when I run the steps
I seem to catch myself just before the edge

The candle burns but I don’t hold the flame
Sometimes I swear it’s just an endless game
I play when I believe that there’s no one there
When I believe that no one’s gonna care

I cannot tell you why I fly so high
I cannot tell you why I have to keep moving
I cannot tell you why I cannot wait for you
I cannot tell you why 
I cannot tell you why

A moment comes as a (simple) push to the brink
I am forced to choice between feel and think
Through the course I that lies ahead for me to take
My will can bend and in the end it might (even) break

I cannot tell you why I fly so high
I cannot tell you why I have to keep moving
I cannot tell you why I cannot wait for you
I cannot tell you why 
I cannot tell you why

See the line
As it passes by
A perfect fit
As I step over it

The rush is gone (but) the feeling lingers
Like endless grains of sand through fingers
Still nothing is really there to hold
As questions eclipses all that I know

I cannot tell you why I fly so high
I cannot tell you why I have to keep moving
I cannot tell you why I cannot wait for you
I cannot tell you why 
I cannot tell you why

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Let Me Go (song #123)

Let Me Go

Holding nothing quite so sacred 
As the time when we're apart
So long as there is distance
You can give your heart 

You used to want to be with me
No matter what the cost
Now every time I'm reaching out
It's clear that feeling's lost

Oh - Oh - Oh
You let me go
No - No - No
Don't  let me go
You let me go

I used to know the problem's me
But you were holding on
Now it seems I'm in the clear
How could I be so wrong?

Nothing takes away the sting
Like a brand new cut
I was trying to hold on
Now I am wondering for what

Oh - Oh - Oh
You let me go
No - No - No
Don't  let me go
You let me go

Now every word tears us further apart
Every moment just breaks my heart  
Oh - Oh - Oh
You let me go
No - No - No
Don't  let me go
You let me go

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Monday, March 31, 2014

Take Me (song #122)

Take Me

On the verge of a revelation
I can see it oh so clear
And without any reservations
I am standing right here

Take me at my word
Take me for a ride
Take me all the way
I’m not gonna hide
Take me on today
Take me out tonight
Take me to your dreams
I (we?) won’t be denied

On the wings of a lonely favor
I can tell it’s oh so real
And on the breath of a simple prayer
I am standing by its appeal

Take me at my word
Take me for a ride
Take me all the way
I’m not gonna hide
Take me on today
Take me out tonight
Take me to your dreams
I (we?) won’t be denied

Overdue for this change

Take me at my word
Take me for a ride
Take me all the way
I’m not gonna hide
Take me on today
Take me out tonight
Take me to your dreams
I (we?) won’t be denied

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Breathe (song #121)


Stop this train
I need to get off
Seems I'm running off the rails
The pacing's slipped
And I'm losing ground
And I don't want to fail

Just let me Breathe
It’s all moving to fast
Slow it down so I can believe
and just breathe

I’m all caught up
I’m in the clear
I can see the clearing end
But as the light
Just fades away
There’s no use to pretend

Just let me Breathe
It’s all moving to fast
Slow it down so I can believe
and just breathe

It never ends
It never stops
I can never seen to get out on top
You won’t release
You won’t let go
You never seem to want to show
Me solace

Just let me Breathe
It’s all moving to fast
Slow it down so I can believe
and just breathe

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Not Of Your World (song #120)

Not Of Your World

Hovering on the outskirts
Looking (in) from the side
I can (do?) not get ahead
Always back and behind

Where's my will?
Where's my conviction?
Can't be on the path
With no direction 

I’m not of your world
Though you let me in (as far as you can)
I’m not of your world
So it ends as it began
I’m not of your world
I know I need to just let it go
I’m not of your world
But still I just want to know
(What it’s like to be in your world)

I might be lashing out
But only on the inside
So very green I'm feeling
Yet the envy has to hide

Where's my courage?
Where's my drive?
Can't be waiting
Then complain that I'm behind

I’m not of your world
Though you let me in (as far as you can)
I’m not of your world
So it ends as it began
I’m not of your world
I know I need to just let it go
I’m not of your world
But still I just want to know
(What it’s like to be in your world)

True I never took my shot
(But that's) Just an excuse for what is not
To be - a feint, a lie
And still you stay by my side

I’m not of your world
Though you let me in (as far as you can)
I’m not of your world
So it ends as it began
I’m not of your world
I know I need to just let it go
I’m not of your world
But still I just want to know
(What it’s like to be in your world)

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reach For Me (song #119)

Reach For Me

This distance
Between us
Is only in your mind

Between us
(Is) only a matter of time

Reach for me
When night closes in
Reach for me
When you need to feel again
Reach for me
As you open up your eyes
Reach for me
Reach for me

Between us
Won’t leave us behind

Another chance
Between us
Another try

Reach for me
When night closes in
Reach for me
When you need to feel again
Reach for me
As you open up your eyes
Reach for me
Reach for me

I know exactly when our hearts were overtaken
Nothing like this was ever in our nature

Reach for me
When night closes in
Reach for me
When you need to feel again
Reach for me
As you open up your eyes
Reach for me
Reach for me

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I Can't Move On (Song #118)

I Can't Move On

Did I see your face
In the shadows
Of my mind?

In the memories
Of all the things
I've left behind?

Did I hear your voice
In the whispers 
Of the wind?

In the sounds
Of the things
I might pretend?

I cannot move on from you
I just can't move on

Did I feel your touch
In the warmth
Of the sun?

In the light
Of everything
I’ve become?

I cannot move on from you
I just can't move on

Overloading all my senses
And breaking down all my defenses
I’m searching for you
Overwhelming, these memories
And you're  still looking out for me?
I'm reaching for you

I cannot move on from you
I just can't move on

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Holding On (song# 117)

Holding On

You make me weak
You make me strong
You make feel like I'm just holding on
You make me right
You make me wrong
You make feel like I'm just holding on

You once wanted me for worse or for better
And that was supposed to be forever
But for so long now you tend to pull away

Worse than stepping backwards is stepping to the side

You make me weak
You make me strong
You make feel like I'm just holding on
You make me right
You make me wrong
You make feel like I'm just holding on

I've never thought of them as empty promises
But now they feel like excuses
And I don't know why we have to change

Worse than turning blind eyes is closing them 

You make me weak
You make me strong
You make feel like I'm just holding on
You make me right
You make me wrong
You make feel like I'm just holding on

I know I don't fill your vision like I used to
And you haven't looked at me like that for so very long
I know my weaknesses haven't strengthened our longer view
And you can't always be that strong 

You make me weak
You make me strong
You make feel like I'm just holding on
You make me right
You make me wrong
You make feel like I'm just holding on

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws

Monday, February 17, 2014

This Has Always Been (song #116)

This Has Always Been

I gave in to your control
You get to call all the shots
But you're still not happy
Telling me what is and what is not

What cards I can play
And what hands I can turn

This has always been your game
I know that nothing hasn't changed
No one's right when no one's to blame
Do you still want to feel the same?

I keep trying to let it all go
I've trusted you to play this fair
But only you have changed me
And you seem so very unaware

I can't get inside
I cannot get through

This has always been your game
I know that nothing hasn't changed
No one's right when no one's to blame
Do you still want to feel the same?

Everything in moderation
Not just idle fascination
The heart's desecration
An endless and empty conversation

Am I cutting you?
Are these words getting in?
Do I need to start over?
I don't know where to (I should?) begin

This has always been your game
I know that nothing hasn't changed
No one's right when no one's to blame
Do you still want to feel the same?

© 2014 by Richard Maxwell
any unauthorized use,  duplication, distribution, or broadcast is a violation of applicable laws