It's been a good while since I have posted anything here. Trust me, the irony has not been lost on me. Given my proclivity (oooh, that's a good word) to ramble on generally, I have clearly been, it would seem, holding back.
In truth lots has been going on and I really cannot account for why I have not taken the time to write more here. So for some odd reason, late at night, tonight, when I should well be asleep, I have decided that it's time to remedy that.
The family is great and I am as ever the luckiest man in the world.
As for projects, that has been quite a ride lately. For a good bit now the main thrust of my "free time" has been to deal with the perfecting the EARS™ concept and the unreal amount of work that goes along with the related intellectual property issues. On the whole it is going very well, but wow, lots of work. EARS™ has taken on a level of legitimacy that I cannot fully express. It is a unique feeling to know, with 100% certainty that something works as it should. Wonderful, but unique. At least for me.
I have also, after what seems like far too long, really gotten a sense of my next musical project. It's called "With One Voice" and it will very much feature my lovely Michele. I don't wanna give too much away just yet, but I have been quite captivated by a band from my past called Jellyfish - you should check them out - and when combined with my love of the Beatles, Queen and a few others, it got me thinking...and then my friends George and Nils (seriously, how lucky am I?) both gave me, without likely realizing it, some great ideas for how to go about creating the music. Very very VERY excited. Anyway, more on that later....
Right now my other push is a book about CMAS. Or maybe more accurately, my sense of what I have learned from creating and facilitating CMAS. I am not kidding. A book feels like a good idea right now. Even if only as a kind of cathartic exercise, it might prove useful.
I already have some of the chapters/major topics worked out:
(in no particular order at this time)
1. The Music Eduction World is NOT Changing. It's Already Changed.
2. Seriously? You're saying I should do my job less effectively to keep you from having to do yours as well?
3. Money isn't everything, but you cannot expect to run most music programs on very much these days
4. There are only two kinds of music: good and bad.
5. Arrogance is the enemy.
6. Education decisions should always be made based on what;s best for kids, not adults.
7. Yeah. You heard me right. It's not just a music program, it's a legitimate record label. Get over it.
There are surely to be more, but that's what I have so far. My real issue is the book's title. I suppose I will eventually stumble upon it but for some reason I feel like until I have it I cannot truly write. As of now, I am leaning towards:
"I've Come to Kill Your Music Program"
but I am open to other ideas if you have any.